Norris Harry T.
Hurst & Company, London
1032 web book in English | |
categories: ·History | |
added: 2023-12-09 | |
Dimeski Dimitar
Macedonian Review, Skopje
1765 web book in English | |
categories: ·Memoirs. Biography | |
added: 2022-02-23 | |
Translated by Filip Korženski
Sonnichsen Albert
Report for the US government’s Inquiry during WWI
1932 web book in English | |
categories: ·The participants speak | |
added: 2022-01-28 | |
Материали, любезно предоставени от Тропчо
Boba Imre
Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague
1860 web book in English | |
categories: ·History | |
added: 2020-09-12 | |
Любезно предоставена от Любомир Владимиров
Boba Imre
Mouton, The Hague
3175 web book in English | |
categories: ·History | |
added: 2020-09-11 | |
Slavo-orientalia. Band II
Monographienreihe über die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen der slavischen und orientalischen Welt
Browning Robert
Temple Smith, London
2733 web book in English | |
categories: ·History | |
added: 2018-12-15 | |
Dvornik Francis
Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey
2429 web book in English | |
categories: ·History | |
added: 2018-12-03 | |
Dvornik Francis
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts
2334 web book in English | |
categories: ·History | |
added: 2018-11-28 | |
Dumbarton Oaks Studies 4
Spinka Matthew
The American Society of Church History, Chicago, Ill.
2593 web book in English | |
categories: ·History | |
added: 2018-11-11 | |
Studies in Church History, vol. I.
Birnbaum Henrik, Vryonis Speros Jr. (eds.)
Mouton, The Hague - Paris
1475 web book in English | |
categories: ·Linguistics | |
added: 2018-11-05 | |
Contributions to the International Balkan Conference held at UCLA,
October 23-28, 1969
Dvornik Francis
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
2478 web book in English | |
categories: ·History | |
added: 2018-09-02 | |
Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople, has been for a thousand years denounced by the West as an arch-heretic and arch-schismatic of the Church and ... venerated by the East as a saint, a scholar and a model Churchman...
Dvornik Francis
Fordham University Press, New York
2463 web book in English | |
categories: ·History | |
added: 2018-08-26 | |
A translation of Byzance et la primauté romaine (Paris, 1964).
Translated by Edwin A. Quain, S.J.
Second printing, with corrections, 1979
Dvornik Francis
Hawthorn Books, New York
2219 web book in English | |
categories: ·History | |
added: 2018-08-25 | |
The Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism, vol. 82
Hoddinott Ralph F.
Ernest Benn, London & Tonbridge
2631 web book in English | |
categories: ·Archaeology | |
added: 2018-08-24 | |
Hoddinott Ralph F.
Palgrave Macmillan, London
1574 web book in English | |
categories: ·Archaeology | |
added: 2018-08-19 | |
Vryonis Speros, Jr.
Variorum reprints, London
2282 web book in English | |
categories: ·History | |
added: 2018-08-14 | |
Variorum Reprints. Collected Studies series
Vryonis Speros, Jr.
Thames and Hudson, London
2393 web book in English | |
categories: ·Archaeology | |
added: 2018-08-11 | |
Library of European Civilization
Lilčić Viktor, Iljoska Veneta
Makedonsko nasledstvo, Skopje
2284 web book in English | |
categories: ·Archaeology | |
added: 2018-01-13 | |
Makedonsko nasledstvo, year II/1997, issue 5, Skopje, p. 21-38
Krekić Bariša
University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma
2276 web book in English | |
categories: ·Geography | |
added: 2018-01-09 | |
Volume 30 in The Centers of Civilization Series
The Bulgarian delegation [to The Peace Conference in Paris]
2103 web book in English | |
categories: ·History | |
added: 2017-12-22 | |
Stoyanovitch L., Bonnassieux A., Gavrilovitch P., Mayne H.-B., Yovanovitch S.
Imprimerie «Yougoslavia», Paris
3483 web book in English | |
categories: ·History | |
added: 2017-12-20 | |
Annexe aux documents relatifs aux violations des conventions de la Haye et du Droit international en général, commises de 1915-1918 par les Bulgares en Serbie occupée
Dvornik Francis
Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey
2526 web book in English | |
categories: ·Linguistics | |
added: 2017-12-02 | |
Rutgers Byzantine Series. Peter Charanis general editor
Dvornik Francis
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston
2260 web book in English | |
categories: ·Linguistics | |
added: 2017-10-22 | |
Survey of Slavic civilization, volume II
Pappas Nicholas C.
Columbia University Press, New York
2438 web book in English | |
categories: ·Article | |
added: 2017-08-29 | |
East European Monographs, Boulder
Nation and ideology essays in honor of Wayne S. Vucinich
Edited by Ivo Banac, John G. Ackerman, and Roman Szporluk
Таlev Ilya
Verlag Otto Sagner, München
2209 e-book in English | |
categories: ·Linguistics | |
added: 2017-08-01 | |
Slavistische Beitrage, Band 67
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