Комитет за изучаване българските земи, София
1989 gallery in Bulgarian |  |
categories: ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
Comments languages: Bulgarian, French, English
С 483 аутотипни репродукции и една етнографична карта
Avec 483 reproductions autotypiques et une carte ethnographique
1641 gallery in Bulgarian |  |
categories: ·Memoirs. Biography ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
2797 web book in English |  |
categories: ·Article ·Itinerary ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
Дончевъ Каранъ Редакторъ
2575 slides in Bulgarian |  |
categories: ·Journal, compilation ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
Bulgarian West -a newspaper for the Western Outlands and the Morava valley from the WWII
Sonnichsen Albert
2961 gallery in English |  |
categories: ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
Илинденска организация - София, Ilinden organization - Sofia
2746 e-book in Bulgarian |  |
categories: ·Journal, compilation ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
1927 - 1931
Weiss-Bartenstein Walter
Dieterichische Verlagsbuchhandlung, Leipzig
1808 gallery in German |  |
categories: ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
Corey Herbert
National Geographic
1381 gallery in |  |
categories: ·Article ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
"National Geographic", May 1917
Radivojevic Todor
Knizarnica Gece Kona, Beograd
1992 gallery in Serbian |  |
categories: ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
Comments in English
Jena Leonhard
Jena: G. Fischer
1897 gallery in German |  |
categories: ·Itinerary ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
Dedijer Jevto
Srpska Knjizhevna Zadruga, k. 154, Beograd
1776 gallery in Serbian |  |
categories: ·Journal, compilation ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
Comments in English
Wendel Hermann
Frankfurter Societäts-Druckerei, Frankfurt am Main
1808 gallery in German |  |
categories: ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
Sebright Georgina, Irby Adelina
Daldy, Isbister & co., London
1589 gallery in English |  |
categories: ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
Vivian Herbert
Grant Richards, London
2048 gallery in English |  |
categories: ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
Boissonnas Frédéric
Éditions d`art Boissonnas, Genève
1841 gallery in French |  |
categories: ·Itinerary ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
Chekrezi Constantine
Macmilan, New York
2464 e-book in English |  |
categories: ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
Villari Luigi
National Geographic
1976 gallery in English |  |
categories: ·Journal, compilation ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
"National Geographic", November 1912
Списание "Нешънъл Джиографик", ноември 1912
Moore Frederick
The Balkan Trail, London
1510 gallery in English |  |
categories: ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
By chance F. Moore, who had widely travelled across Macedonia and Bulgaria, visited Salonica on the night of the "Dynamiters" actions.
2419 gallery in |  |
categories: ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
1981 gallery in English |  |
categories: ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
La Petit Journal
1669 gallery in French |  |
categories: ·Article ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
Buerkel Ludwig - Leutnant D. L.
Münchener grapischen gesellschaft
1453 gallery in German |  |
categories: ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
1723 web book in English |  |
categories: ·Memoirs. Biography ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
На български и английски In Bulgarian and English
Списание "Нешънъл Джиографик", National Geographic Magazine
1792 gallery in English |  |
categories: ·Article ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
Списание "Нешънъл Джиографик", Октомври 1907
National Geographic Magazine, October 1907
1717 gallery in English |  |
categories: ·Article ·Photo |  |
added: 2012-01-14 |  |
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