title |
author |
publisher |
year |
lng |
" 1 5 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y a Γ І Ј Љ Ћ А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Э Ю “ |
A "Residence in Bulgaria", or, notes on the resources and administration of Turkey |
St. Clair Stanislas Graham Bower, Brophy Charles A. |
John Murray, London |
1869 |
EN |
A History of Christianity in the Balkans.; A study in the spread of Byzantine culture among the Slavs |
Spinka Matthew |
The American Society of Church History, Chicago, Ill. |
1933 |
EN |
A book on Macedonia. Travels and Research (1925-1927) |
Kuba Ludwig |
Mosaic Publications, New Delhi |
1981 |
EN |
A day at Laguerre’s and other days |
Smith Francis Hopkinson |
Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston and New York |
1892 |
EN |
A history of the First Bulgarian Empire |
Runciman Steven |
G. Bell & Sons, London |
1930 |
EN |
A newsreel showing the assassination of the Yugoslavian king Alexander in 1934 |
EN |
A ride throught the Balkans, on classic ground with a camera |
Conway Agnes |
Robert Scott, London |
1917 |
EN |
A short documentary about the Ilinden-Preobrazhenie Uprising in 1903 |
BG |
A short documentary about the first Balkan war in 1912 |
BG |
A short documentary about the second Balkan war |
BG |
Advent of Macedonian Language (Documents from Skopje, 1944) |
Makedonski Pavel |
Alt News Macedonia |
EN |
Aethicus philosophus cosmographus (Етикус философът-космограф) |
Пейчев Божидар |
Списание „Философска мисъл", София |
1979 |
BG |
Albania, past and present |
Chekrezi Constantine |
Macmilan, New York |
1919 |
EN |
Albanien, Rumelien und die oesterreichisch-montenegrinische Graenze |
Müller Joseph |
Prag J.G. Calve’sche Buchhandlung |
1844 |
DE |
Album "Beautiful Bulgaria" |
EN |
Album des crimes bulgares |
Stoyanovitch L., Bonnassieux A., Gavrilovitch P., Mayne H.-B., Yovanovitch S. |
Imprimerie «Yougoslavia», Paris |
1919 |
EN |
Alt.news.macedonia: posts of George Tsapanos, "Lyngos" (from the Florina district, Greece) |
Tsapanos George, Lyngos |
Alt News Macedonia |
1998 |
EN |
An American Macedonian |
Lebamoff George, Petterchak Janice |
2002 |
EN |
Another newsreel showing the assassination of the Yugoslavian king Alexander in 1934 |
SR |
Archaeology Under Fire. Nationalism, politics and heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (Chapters 2, 3, and 4) |
Meskell Lynn (ed.) |
Routledge, London |
1998 |
EN |
Articles from "Die slawischen Sprachen" (1985, 1988) |
Kronsteiner Otto, Boba Imre, etc. |
Institut für Slawistik des Universität Salzburg, Salzburg |
1985 |
DE |
Aspects of the Balkans. Continuity and change |
Birnbaum Henrik, Vryonis Speros Jr. (eds.) |
Mouton, The Hague - Paris |
1972 |
EN |
Auxilius und Vulgarius.; Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Papstthums im Anfänge des zehnten Jahrhunderts |
Dümmler Ernst |
Verlag von S. Hirzel, Leipzig |
1866 |